Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Go-Go Gadget _____!

Passion [pash-uhn]: Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate, strong sexual desire: lust/strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music/the sufferings of a martyr.

These are a few out of the 12! definitions I found for this word. There must be something about passion that there are a handful of meanings. What is it about passion that people obey it? So much that parties are made to celebrate it. Yep, you read that correctly. It's true. Hey, this is not your typical party. We're not talking about celebrating your passion for music or saving the world, let alone the passion of Christ. We are talking about having a party to celebrate your sensuality: igniting the fire between you and your boy or toy for that matter.

Here are some of the hot lines promoting the parties: "Improve or maintain good sexual health regardless if your partner is a man, woman or toy" ,"When I saw Slumber Parties featured on the Today show, I knew immediately that this was something I could do to earn extra money and make new friends", and "Your life is about to get BETTER!". How does it all sound to you? Are you enticed or casting those imaginations down?

The facts:

  • Passion parties are facilitated by passion party consultants that will show and/or demonstrate a number of sex toys and products.
  • The parties are held primarily for groups of women i.e. bachellorette parties, slumber parties.

My Opinion

Although I know not this man, my dear friend Micheal Basiden, host of the self titled radio show, the Micheal Baisden Show, hosted the topic of passion parties today and I was educated on its existence. Mr. Baisden was especially interested in finding out what Christian and Muslim women thought about the parties. To my surprise, there were quite a few faith filled women calling in expressing that they did not see the harm in attending the parties. At first, I thought, "Well, if you are a married woman, then why not, if it will help keep the fire going". Then I soon thought the contrary saying to myslef, "Why would I need the help of a passion party to keep my sex life alive?...can't God do that"? I am seriously wondering if that is too much to expect of God? Am I absurd in believing that the God who gave me the husband in the first place will keep us where we need to be intimately if we obey His Holy Spirit? Some would think I am. Some may say that I am not living in reality. What do you say? I say that our passions are often misdirected. Do I need an inspector to hand me some gadgets or do I need real intimacy?

One of the main things that bother me about it is the fact that not everyone attending the parties are married or even have a human partner. Some of the attendees are learning how to connect with a sexual machine of some kind. Thus, it is my belief that these parties are promoting masturbation. What's wrong with that you ask? Well, the best lover that exists once said to man, if you even look at a woman with lust, you are sinning. He did not say if you have sex with a woman you are not married to... he said if you only look with lust. This tells me that the process of creating sensual imagery in your head is where the sin begins. God only knows where that imagination ends. It can lead to seeking out a partner to release this elevated sexual tension or it could lead to taking care of business all by yourself. Either way, the sin begins in your head. Now don't get me wrong. I believe many of us, including myself, battle those images and thoughts of Tyrone. Now, it is what we do with those thoughts that determine if we sin or not. If you reject your imaginations, then you are erring on the side of God. If not, then you err on the side of your desires. How many different desires do we have coming in and out of our consciousness, sprinting across our fore-heads? If we had each one fulfilled we would be stripped of the very life experiences that build us up when we wait or work for what we have.

A wise young man once explained to me what I thought was very profound. He explained to me that everything that God created, satan copies. However, satan's copy is always perverted; meaning that it is always changed to a lesser state, distorted, or just plain cheap. He went on to compare and contrast various things. Take sex for example. The sexual intercourse experience that God offers is intimate, satisfying, pure, and without regret. The sexual experience that satan offers can be casual/non-comittal, and full of guilt or pain. He said that the gifts that God offers in life are always lasting, whereas satan's cheap "gifts" don't hold up at all. They fall apart and leave you longing for more feeling insatiable. I believe this booming business of passion partying , amongst other things, is just another way for us to be distracted from the real solution to our real problem of lacking intimacy. Go-Go Gadget Holy Spirit!


"For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul."

~Jeremiah 31:25


  1. Great first post Regine!
    I have heard of these parties and I am truly makes me sad that the world (and Christians) would trade the holiness of God and the blessings He offers us in true intimacy with that of the pleasures of the flesh. As a married Christian woman, I will not look to the world to "help" me satisfy my husband because the world did not create sex, God did. And if did, I am a firm believer that He will guide you (if you ask) in ALL of your ways. The marriage bed should not be defiled and I am heartbroken at how the media hypes masturbation (check our oprah's recent shows) especially to young people. In doing so it teaches people how to satisfy themselves and not satisfy their partner (i.e.spouse). This in the end causes problems when two decide to get married and they don't know how to connect because they are stuck on themselves.

    Bravo for bringing this topic to the forefront. The enemy does cheapen God's ways by being an imitator of light. Let us not be fooled by what satisfies us in the immediate time, for in the end, what God desires for us (purity, holiness, and righteousness) are far better than what the world has to offer us. I agree that if you want intimacy without shame, guilt, or even a feeling of lack, then seek God and you will be blown away at how He will bless your union with your spouse!

  2. Thanks for discussing this topic from a Christian perspective, Reg! I completely agree with you and "everyonesister." In light of recent media attention (i.e. the infamous Oprah episode on "pleasuring" yourself), it's no wonder that people, even within the Christian community, have grown more tolerant of these practices (i.e. Passion parties). Indeed, we are creatures of passion(as a wise person once said), but too often are desires are misdirected. Instead of seeking fulfillment in the God who invented love, we look to other people (or things) to fill this gaping hole. Truly, God knows our love language and if we would allow him he could sweep us off our feet. Jesus!!!!
